Every child has that word that they just can't say right. Our two year old has several. In fact, I would dare say it would be easier to count the words she
can say correctly. But one which she cannot is
lemonade. She calls it Memonade. Apparently this was bothering our six year old, because she felt it her duty to correct her.
Taylor: Can I have some Memonade?
Brecken: No, Taylor, that's not how you say it.
Taylor: (in a defiant tone) MmmmHmmm.
Brecken: No. Say Le
Taylor: Ye
Brecken: (ignoring this speech impediment) Say mmmm
Taylor: Mmmmm
Brecken: (really breaking it down sound for sound) say uh
Taylor: uh
Brecken: Lade.
Taylor: yade.
Brecken: (this time not ignoring the impediment) No. Llllllade. Le-mo-lade.
Apparently this is one of those words for both of our girls.