Tuesday, May 3, 2011

#65 Trip to the Doctor

Taylor recently went through a traumatic experience. Her finger was shut and stuck in the door for about two minutes. Her finger looking mangled, I assumed it was broken, and so took her to the doctor's office. Through all of it Taylor screamed. Hysterically. Through the waiting room: screaming. Through the x-rays: more screaming. Through the doctor pushing and squeezing: hysterical screaming. Through the nurse bandaging up her finger: (you get the idea). She would pause for ten seconds at a time only to say "eet willy hotes" (it really hurts) and then resume her screaming. For more than an hour everyone in the doctor's office knew there was a child in pain (or at least fear). Needless to say, I was heart broken for her. As we began walking to the car her sobbing and screaming began to subside. As I opened the car door she gasped her last sob. As I buckled her in her car seat she grew still, looked at me and said in a sing song voice:

"Dat wuth fun."

And she has since asked to go to the doctor's office. Only Taylor. I love that girl.

(for those wondering, her finger was miraculously unbroken)


Kari said...

still sad :(

Adam said...

That is really really sad...but I have the giggles. I am the meanest Aunt alive...yeah, this is Havelah, not Adam btw...