Tuesday, November 26, 2013

#101 When Is Violence Cute?

Not long ago Brecken and I were playing with Jack. He happens to be completely adorable. Being thus overcome by his baby-charm Brecken exclaimed in her high-pitched, mock baby voice, "Oh! You're so cute! I just want to rip your arms off and punch you in the face!"

Ummmm. Yes. I was dumbfounded. Horror struck, really. But her explanation pacified me. Apparently phrases like, "You're so cute I could eat you up, " and, "I just want to pinch your cheeks," when taken literally, have a violent tenor to them. So the assumption was: the more violent the phrase--the cuter the baby. If I had a Cute/Disturbing Things blog, I would post it there. But as I do get a slight chuckle out of this... I'll post it here.

1 comment:

Kam said...

Ren! This one just made me laugh out loud!! so funny. I can just see the whole scene as you described it. Hilarious!!