Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#51 Sooo Smart

If there is anything Brecken lacks, it is NOT confidence. At least every day I hear "I am so smart." (probably because at least every day I say it) But her reasoning for being so smart is what makes me laugh some times....

Brecken: Mom. I told Taylor yes means yes. And no means no. And maybe means maybe.
Me: Ok. Thank you (I couldn't come up with any other response).
Brecken: Wait! Do those things mean what I said they mean??
Me: You mean, like (yes I said like), yes means yes?
Brecken: Yeah. Do they?
Me: Yes.
Brecken: Haha! How did I know that?? I am soooo smart.

Haha, I would love to read a dictionary compiled this way...
Monoamine: (noun) Means monoamine. (wow. I'm so smart.)

#50 Little Sayings

Little Miss Smarty Pants this morning walked to the fridge after breakfast and stated "I'm gonna check on the pamerika." Yes, you read that right, and yes I heard it right, and yes I was as much in the dark as you. Of course I asked her to repeat herself and she so matter of factly said "The pamerika. I'm going to check on the pamerika and see how it's doing."

Ok. It clicked. Her and Russ had made tapioca the night before and left in the fridge to cool... this is what she called "pamerika" I had to laugh, and it brought to mind a few other quirks in her vocabulary...

With Brecken, it isn't a heart-beat, it's a heart-beep.

Anything with "ul" turns into "li" for example

No matter how often we go over it, she doesn't need anything, she meeds things.

When feeling especially grateful she will thank me in spanish... sort of... with a very gringa "Glacias!"

And her quirky way of asking questions. It's never "What does (fill in the blank) mean?" It's always "What means (fill in the blank)?"

I know there are a dozen others, but this is what comes to mind. The little cutie.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

#49 Smile Dad!

I am sure Russ wouldn't mind me sharing this. Especially since he's the one who told me (through a little laughter I might add).

During the nightly teeth-brushing routine (daddy happened to be doing the brushing)...

Brecken: Dad, look in the mirror
Russ: (stops what he is doing and looks in the mirror)
Brecken: Smile.
Russ: (thinking perhaps she may have seen food in his teeth, begins examining)
Brecken: You look like a beaver. Your front two teeth are big.

Awe, don't kids just say the darndest things? Gotta love their brutal honesty (unless it's with strangers... then it's just plain old embarrassing). But with Russ as good looking as he is, I'm sure there will be no complex whatsoever.

Monday, March 1, 2010

#48 Sorry for the Mess

One night we had some of Brecken's friends over, and by the end of the night every toy that we own was strewn through the house. Regardless, we went to bed knowing full well we would wake to a mess. In the morning Brecken and I were sitting amidst the toys and Brecken, very sympathetically, said...

"Mom, I sure am sorry about this mess!"

Sweet, right? But before I could say anything she continued even more sympathetically than before...

"I am so sorry it's so big that I am not going to clean it up." And then she gave me a look filled with pity and patted me.

Oh... and she did clean it up. Sweet girl. And she didn't even complain.

#47 Almost My Birthday

I love mornings. I love it because Brecken always comes in jabbering, and I get to see what random thought is floating in her head when she wakes up. This particular morning her thoughts were of her birthday.
Brecken: (all smiles) Guess what mommy!!! It's almost my birthday!!
Me: I know! It's coming up.
Brecken: How many more days?
Me: Ummm... it's about sixty.
Brecken: (smiles gone, frown set in and in dismay) What?? SIXTY?? That's not almost my birthday!!! I CAN'T EVEN COUNT TO SIXTY!!!!
I think I ruined her morning. But no worries. Now she asks in weeks. She can count those.

#46 Counting Problems

Brecken: Momma, how old do I have to be to drive?
Me: Sixteen.

Now whenever I tell Brecken a number, she has to gauge how far away it is by counting to it... of course she's no pro at counting and her defect is she always skips... 16 and 17.

Brecken: Sixteen?
Me: Yep
Brecken: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20 (continues in perfect sequence)... 37, 38, 39... HOW old do I have to be?
Me: Sixteen.
Brecken: (takes deep breath) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20 (continues once again in perfect sequence to 39, and then stops) Wow! I have to be really old to drive!!

Of course I helped her really count to sixteen... It's just cute to see her try :)