Sunday, March 13, 2011

#62 Cowboys

Now, it's true that most posts are a result of kids saying the darndest things. But, occasionally, it happens that adults say things that... cause a little chuckle as well.
So, you have to know my mother-in-law's husband to truly appreciate this. He is a cowboy. From Wyoming. Lovell, Wyoming. If you are picturing cowboy boots, cowboy hat, tight jeans, and a mustache, then you've pretty much got him pegged.
Russ and I were at their house when a Bull Riding contest happened to be on TV. Of course it was fascinating to watch lunatics mount angry bulls, make them angrier, and hang on for all they were worth, all the while knowing the end result is the same: they will be bucked off of the bull.
But that's beside the point. What got me chuckling was the conversation that took place between Debbie (my mother-in-law) and Rusty (her husband) who had all the while been sharing his rodeo-know-how expertise with us. Now, as you read this, you may be tempted to think Rusty is joking. But that's why I say, you have to know Rusty. He's not joking.

Debbie: So Rusty, if the rider is left handed, does he hang on the rope with his left hand and put his right hand in the air, or does he hang on the rope with his right hand?
Rusty. (not quite getting the real core of the question) No. One hand has to always be in the air.
Debbie: I know that. I'm just asking if he's left handed, does he hold onto the rope with his right hand, or his left hand?
Rusty: (still not quite getting it) So long as one hand is in the air.
Debbie: But if he is left handed, which hand does he use to hold the rope?
Rusty: (now just distracted by the wording of the question) It isn't called a rope. It's called a.... (and then whatever technical term he used instead of rope... strap? Bull rope? cut me some slack for forgotten cowboy lingo)
Debbie: (determined he will not thwart her in her objective to find an answer) Ok, so what hand does he use to hold onto it?
Rusty: It doesn't matter. So long as one hand is in the air, he can use whatever he wants. It depends on if he's right handed or left handed. (yes. that was really his answer. it was as though he was taunting her)
Debbie: (decides to go a new route... the current game plan isn't working) Ok, Rusty. I know that you're right handed. If you were riding the bull, would you use your left hand or your right hand to hold on?
Rusty: (in all seriousness) I don't ride bulls! (we had already been over this... it was "bucking bronco's" back in the day for him... not bull-riding)
Did it end there? Oh no, despite surmounting odds she was determined to have her question answered. And it was. A few more back and forths and it finally clicked. And for those of you in suspense of what hand is used: I was laughing too hard remember which. But one hand stays in the air.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

Oh my goodness!! How funny :D Thanks for the laugh!!