Sunday, October 2, 2011

#66 Lying Never Gets You Anywhere

As it often happens, I was in the bathroom getting ready, leaving the girls unattended. Dangerous? Yes. But also inevitable. I wasn't too concerned, Hallie was sleeping, Brecken was occupied in her bedroom, and I could hear Taylor happily humming and singing in the kitchen.

As I was wrapping things up Taylor meandered into the bathroom...

Me: Hey, Taylor! How are you doing?
Taylor: Goooooooood.
Me: What were you playing?
Taylor: (long pause) Ummmm.... With the dollhouse.
Me: (totally fooled) Do you like playing with the doll house?
Taylor: Uh huh. (another long pause)... I don't like playing with marshmallows though.

Ah, kid. You should have stopped while you were ahead. I'm pretty sure I burst out laughing right then and there. And, yes, after a slight investigation I found the empty bag of marshmallows. How can you get mad at cuteness such as this?

1 comment:

Havelah said...

Hahaha. That is just too cute and funny! I can just picture her little mind a-turning! We miss that little doll!!!