Tuesday, October 22, 2013

#95 My Foot

This one is cute to us--the Harringtons--and probably only us. But upon recalling it (it happened about a year and a half ago) I wanted to jot it down, just to have it always.

Hallie (almost two at the time) was tough to get to bed--sheesh, they all were--but Hallie especially. One night the girls had all gone down for the night (or so we thought) when Russ and I sat on the couch to vege. Sitting on the couch afforded us a clear view of Hallie's door. After about ten minutes of bed-time-silence we noticed a foot protruding out from underneath Hallie's bedroom door. Still silence.

Every minute or so the foot would eek out further and further, but still she kept quiet. Finally, after about the seventh minute, a faint voice from behind the door said, "Uh see my foot?" and then a little more loudly but barely over a whisper, "Uh see my foot?" She repeated the phrase several times until finally Russ was overcome with the cuteness and responded. To this day Russ will occasionally look at me and say, "Uh see my foot?"

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