Tuesday, January 26, 2010

#41 Big Belly

Me: Brecken, guess what! Mommy and daddy are gonna have another baby. There's a baby in my tummy.
(now you have to realize... this is day one of finding out... you know, when you look exactly the same as you did before there was any baby news)
Brecken: (stares at my tummy) No you're not. (continues staring) Oh wait. Yes you are. I can see the big bump in your tummy.

Nope. That's just the stuff that always hangs over the jeans a bit... ah, thanks Breck.

Oh and then one week later

Brecken: (again staring at my stomache) Wow, mommy. The baby in your tummy is getting really big!

Nope again. That was just the sausage, eggs, pancakes, fruit, drink etc. etc. I had for breakfast. Yep it was good.


Jill said...

I love these! This is such a cute idea. Brecken is hilarious. Congratulations on the baby! I had my suspicions. :)

Vanessa said...

That all sounds familiar!