Saturday, October 29, 2011

#68 ¡Vámonos!

My nephew is pretty cute; I think I've mentioned him before. His dad speaks spanish and one day he was showing off, just a bit (Jackson, not his dad). I would ask him what a spanish word means, he would tell me. Now, he's not fluent; he's like me. His vocabulary is slightly bigger than what they teach you on Dora the Explorer. Here is an excerpt from our conversation:

Me: Ok, Jackson. What does... "azul" mean?
Jackson: (confidently) blue.
Me: Ok, let's see, how about "gracias"?
Jackson: Thank you.
Me: Ok, what does (trying to stump him).... "vámonos" mean?
Jackson: It means "¡Get in the car!"

Yep. I don't think that one was lost in translation. I'm pretty sure that is exactly what his dad meant. :) I couldn't stop laughing.