This is not an announcement. I am not expecting a baby. Regardless of this, Brecken feels an obligation to discuss names with me.
"Mom" she says. "I hope that the next time you have a baby it's a girl." Since Russ (I thought) had convinced her to lobby for a boy (not that it really makes a difference) I was a little surprised. "Why do you want a girl?" I asked her. "Because if we have a girl, I want to name her Sally."
Ok, that's cute and all, but I am not going to be naming my baby Sally, so I didn't want to get any hopes up here. So this is how I proceed (very sweetly I might add):
"Oh, that's cute, Breck. But we probably aren't going to name our girl Sally." Brecken, almost crying: "But I like Sally. I want it to be Sally!" And then a ten minute discussion proceeds, I tell her she can name her baby doll Sally, yada yada yada. And I thought it was resolved.
month later Brecken has been working on her sales pitch. Have I mentioned Russ is in
Sales? Well Brecken gets her
manipulative sales skills from him.
Brecken: (holding a baby doll) Look at my pretty baby. I named her Sally.
Me: Oooh, what a pretty baby.
Brecken: Her name is Sally.
Me: Oh, how cute.
Brecken: Cute?
Me: Yes. It's very cute.
Brecken: So you like my baby doll's name?
Me: (Like I'm gonna say no) Yes. She's cute.
Brecken: You like the name Sally!
Me: Well- (Brecken cuts me off)
Brecken: So now, when you have a baby girl, we can name her Sally because you like the name Sally! hahahahahaha!!!! YES!
Ah. What the hay. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Let's just hope for a boy :)