Tuesday, November 3, 2009

#37 His Bare Hands

While Brecken and I were watching Mountain of the Lord one of the lines was "...with his bare hands..." to which Brecken excitedly says:

"His bear hands?? He has bear hands!?! Did you hear him mom? That guy has bear hands! Just like bears! Bears have bear hands too!!!"


Sydney said...

Oh my gosh. Your little Brecken is just so adorable!! I'm so glad you have this separate blog to document her cuteness!

Liz said...

Ren! The other day we were at mom and dad's for Dalton's B-day. Adam and Hav were there and they showed me this link. We read tons of these "Cute things". They are So Funny! You make me want to keep track of the funny things our kids say (Although James hasn't said a whole lot yet). We love ya, Ren. - Matt

Adam said...

Hey hey! We were just talking and think that you should put the one of Brecken telling her dolly goodnight and then getting mad at it for "crying"...and the one where Breck is playing with her dolls and started saying "be nice, Daddy" or something like that...We love you and we love reading about your girls!
(This is Hav)