Tuesday, October 27, 2009

#33 Stronger and Smarter :)

On a regular basis Brecken says to me "Mom, I'm stronger than you." Now, most of the time I let it slide. But if she catches me when I'm feelin' a little prideful (stronger than a four year old is almost all I can claim these days) She gets a rebuttal. Which she did... And of course, with all such claims, I had to back it up.

How? Simple. We made a line. Each of us stood facing each other on either side of the line. We gripped hands. And on Brecken's cue, we pulled. If she crossed the line, I won. If I crossed the line, she won. muahahahaha.... stronger than me... right.

Not liking the out come of the first three rounds Brecken then made up her own rules...

Brecken: Ok mom. Now we hold hands, and when I say pull, we pull (makes sense so far). If I pull you over, I win. And if you pull me over, you lose. k?
Me: Wait, If I pull you over I lose?
Brecken: Yep. Ready?
Me: Wait. How do I win?
Brecken: Hmmmmm..... if you can (looks around the room. spots the couch ten feet behind her) get to the couch before one of us is pulled over... then you win.
Me: (gee that sounds fair) Ok, ready.
Brecken: Go!

Still feeling a LITTLE competitive I make a futile attempt at getting to the couch first. But as soon as my foot hit the ground crossing the line Brecken yelled:

"Ha! I pulled you over! I won! I'm stronger than you!!"

Oh, I laughed. And I don't worry. I told her she was stronger than me. I let her live it up (however rigged it was) But does the phrase "heads I win, tails you lose" come to mind here? :)

1 comment:

Brandon and Jenni said...

HAHAHA!!! That is great. :) She's a smart one.