Tuesday, October 27, 2009

#27 Still Believes in Magic

So we have this little bag of treats on the counter. And I'm sure you can imagine that it's a constant temptation to little miss four year old here (I know. put it up already). Every once in a while when she asks... I say yes. The following occurred on one such occasion...

Brecken: Haha!! Yes?? (reaches for the bag of candy but stops mid-candy-gettage) Wait Mom. Don't look at me.
Me: (right. like I'm going to follow such instructions) Why don't you want me to look at you?
Brecken: Just don't.
Me: (continued stare at Brecken)
Brecken: (nervous laughter) umm... Abra-Cadabra! (reaches, instead of into the bag, but into her pocket) Look mom! I'm magic! I made the candy go from the counter into my pocket!
Me: (poor little four year old... still believes in magic) Brecken. Did you get into the candy earlier and put one in your pocket?
Brecken: Huh-uh, I'm magic.
Me: Brecken, honey, you need to tell me the truth.
Brecken: I did. I'm magic.
Me: (a bit sternly at this point) Brecken, I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me the truth. Did you get into the candy and put one in your pocket?
Brecken: No. Didn't you hear me say abra-cadabra? I'm magic.
Me: Brecken. I know you are telling me a lie, and I'm very disappointed.
Brecken: (in complete astonishment) haha! You knew I was lying?? HOW? Are you magic??

I learned something that day: Apparently I am a little too convincing when I make the quarter disappear. It leaves one in no doubt that magic is real.

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