Saturday, January 29, 2011

#59 The Smartest Girl

Knowing Brecken's vanity issues, I sometimes still make the mistake of saying "Brecken, you are just the smartest girl." Ok, it's probably a good thing to compliment your children. But sometimes it produces conversations like the following (this is between Brecken and her 5 year old cousin, Jackson):

Brecken: Jackson, guess what. I am the smartest girl in the whole world.
Jackson: Huh uh.
Brecken: Yuh huh.
Jackson: Huh uh (you have to love 5 year old comebacks).
Brecken: Yuh huh, my mom said so.
Jackson: Huh uh. Do you even know what 1 million plus 100 million is?
Brecken: (drops her jaw) No way! Do you know what it is?
Jackson: It's 2 thousand 16 hundred 3 million thousand.

Hey, I guess he figured if she didn't know... He could say whatever he wanted. Might as well make it sound good.